Vanishing Twin / Masma Dream World


DJ set: Marylou (Morphine)

  • Music
Photo of the band Vanishing Twin: Five people look towards the camera, various geometric shapes are found on the people and in the background.
Photo of Devi Mambouka, aka Masma Dream World, wearing an elaborate dress and silver necklace.

Based in London, the band Vanishing Twin seems nearly to be anachronistic, from another time, with its retro futuristic sound the first time one listens to it. It then reveals itself as escapism elegantly formulated in sound, consisting of finely whirring synthesisers, jazz percussion that seems to defy the force of gravity, afro funk guitars, snippets of flutes, offshoots of tropicália, and the hypnotising timbre of singer Cathy Lucas as a timeless trip through a wide variety of different types of music, which ultimately come together as something timeless. In October, the new album, “Ookii Gekkou”, which is Japanese for “Big Moonlight”, will be released.

As Masma Dream World, Devi Mambouka combines the musical influences of her Afro-Asiatic origin with approaches from sound therapy and her artistic practice as a butoh dancer to create a sound that vibrates globally. To do so, she uses swelling loops from electronica, massive bass lines, overlapping vocals, and field recordings that truly put the listeners into a state of trance.

Marylou carves raw onirism. It’s under her name that she opens the nets of her vast collection of records and sound crops, weaving her delicate mesh in between traditional music, bass ,noise detonations, cloudy waters of psychedelic dubs or sinuous paths of improvised music and electronic avant-garde. She sails on the strange and far away esthetics without ever falling in exotism, enhancing the brutatiliy, grace and poetry of her selections, which she shares in the most renowned clubs, festivals and radios and for Morphine Records. 


Mon 15.11.2021, 20:00 / Kesselhaus in der Kulturbrauerei

Due to delays in construction work at HAU2, the concert unfortunately cannot take place there and will be postponed to November 15 at Kesselhaus.

From 15.11.21, the 2G rule for all persons over 18 years of age will also apply at HAU until further notice. We are thus implementing a resolution of the Berlin Senate. You can find our current hygiene concept here. If you have already purchased tickets for an event but do not meet the 2G requirements, we will of course refund the purchase price. Please contact us by email at

We have increased ticket capacity for this event and have changed our seating plan from chequerboard pattern to full seating in line with the current hygiene measures. Masks (medical or FFP2) are required throughout the event.


HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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