Anna Homler & Steven Warwick with Natsuko Kono "Breadwoman"

Part of CTM 2016

  • Music

This evening sees the first-time resurrection of the DIY myth-making performance art- and music project “Breadwoman” by Anna Homler & Steven Warwick aka Heatsick. Breadwoman is the 1980s brainchild of Anna Homler and Steve Moshier, two interdisciplinary artists from Los Angeles. Their curious collaboration adopted the visual figurehead of baguette-toting woman who’s “so very old she’s turned into bread”. This nameless, origin-less, and language-less character stands for Moshier’s and Homler’s valuing of music as primitive, futuristic, ritualistic, theatrical, and mythical, and of the voice as a sonic element more than an arbiter of meaning. Homler sings in a made-up language over Moshier’s drenched, locomotive loops. The collaboration was marked with a cassette release in 1985, which has upon its 30th anniversary recently been reissued as Breadwoman and Other Tales by Brooklyn’s RVNG Intl. For this performance, Homler is joined by Natsuko Kono, a Berlin based Japanese Butoh dancer, and by Steven Warwick, who will rework the project’s original music.

CTM Festival returns to HAU Hebbel am Ufer from 30 January to 7 February. The 17th edition’s music programme is elaborated through intensive collaboration with guest co-curator Rabih Beaini, while the exhibition and discourse programme is created in close collaboration with Swiss-based Norient. Special projects and commissions, as well as artists and sound cultures emanating from less familiar countries and localities and often operating on the fringes of the electronic circuit are featured in greater numbers than ever before. Under the shadow of a global conflict centered on increasingly radical disputes over drawing or dissolving borders, the festival’s “New Geographies” theme aims to explore music and sound practices that respond to these developments, and to provide the conceptual tools needed to approach the complexities of a polycentric, polychromatic, and increasingly hybrid (music) world with greater openness.

The full festival programme is available via:

CTM 2016 is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, the Musicboard Berlin and the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. In collaboration with transmediale, Kulturprojekte Berlin, SHAPE and SoCCoS.


Fri 5.2.2016, 20:30 / HAU2


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.