Bendik Giske & Matt Lambert


  • Film
  • Music

Single-channel video, 2021

The Norwegian composer and saxophonist Bendik Giske operates at the intersection of music and performance art. His new piece “Brist”, which means “rupture” in Norwegian, has been commissioned by MUNCH museum in Oslo as part of the online exhibition series “Contemporary Art Digital Shorts”, CADS in cooperation with HAU Hebbel am Ufer. The video work was shot by renowned filmmaker Matt Lambert at HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Devoid of an audience during the pandemic, the venerable stage stands empty, providing an eerie backdrop for Bendik Giske’s saxophone performance of his new composition. Filmed in a single take on 16mm film, “Brist” sounds out the abandoned structure of HAU1, as the camera follows Giske’s movement between the public and backstage areas of the theatre. All the while, he is watched by a masked, anonymous figure, who follows the musician. As the figure gets closer, the music intensifies, reaching a crescendo as the two finally touch on the empty stage. “Brist” is suffused with longing, and a sensation of physical desire made palpable by the lack of human presence in the vast, cavernous space.


Written & performed by: Bendik Giske / A film by: Matt Lambert / Cinematographer: Cezary Zacharewicz / Producer: Jannis Birsner / Costume designer: Christian Stemmler / Hair & make-up: Sarah Hartgens / Sound recordist: Kai Ziarkowski / Sound mix: Florian von Keyserlingk / Colorist: Marina Starke / 1st Camera assistant: Tom Zylla / 2nd Camera assistant: Tina Paffen / Technicians HAU Hebbel am Ufer: Anna Jackett, Jachya Freeth, Matthias Kirschke, Boris Meier, Max Rux, Martin Schwemin, Claes Schwennen / Custom Latex: SAR Berlin / Thanks to: Vantage Film, Margarita Tsomou, Tobias Schurig


Thu 20.5.2021, 19:00 / HAU4


Production: VERS. Commissioned by: MUNCH for Contemporary Art Digital Shorts (CADS). In association with: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Bendik Giske is published by: Smalltown Supermusic, Sony / ATV Music Publishing.


Digital Stage

HAU’s digital stage

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