Beyond Equality: Feminisms Reclaiming Life

An Internationalist Gathering – Day 2

  • Dialogue
  • Workshop

10:00–11:00 / HAU1
From Abya Yala to Kurdistan challenging the complicity of liberal feminism: sovereignty of the every day”
: Lorena Cabnal, Dilar Dirik, Maria Do Mar Castro Varela
Host/Moderation: Margarita Tsomou
Languages: Spanish and English with Spanish, English and German simultaneous translation

Far from demanding an “equal share” in today’s toxic capitalist violence, concepts of communitarian feminism – from Abya Yala to Kurdistan – re-invent ways of dealing with the reproduction of life: communal care for bodies, for children, the elderly and planetary forces, the creation of sustainable urban and rural communities and demands of the socialization of reproductive labor, are discussed as ways for food-, water- and land sovereignty, as well as for political sovereignty. 


11:30–13:00 / HAU1 & HAU3
Workshops / Getting to know & self-presentation of collectives
Limited capacities / Registration requested via
Meeting point for all workshop participants: HAU3 (Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin)
Participation in the workshops is free of charge.

*IWS - International Women* Space
With: Denise Garcia Bergt
Languages: English

What is the value of documenting ourselves in our own words? This question will be discussed, while sharing the experiences of documentation by the International Women Space (IWS): In 2021, despite the Pandemic, we met and interviewed women, who spoke about migration, asylum and post-war divided Germany – the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), colonialism, racism and European borders. This became the series “Kämpferinnen” we will share some of these videos and discuss the potential of self-documentation. IWS was founded by and for women in 2012 during the occupations by refugees of Oranienplatz and the Gerhart Hauptmann School in Berlin Kreuzberg. IWS has published books, produced dozens of podcasts and videos.

*Cenî & Jineolojî
“From Jin Jiyan Azadî to World Women’s Democratic Confederalism”

With collective moderation
Languages: Kurdish, German, English

As the resounding slogan “Jin Jiyan Azadî” echoes around the world, we, will discuss the rich history and political significance of this inspiring chant, in the joint workshop of CENÎ - Kurdish Women's Office for Peace and Jineolojî. We will introduce Jineolojî, the Kurdish science of women, as well as its role in shaping the past, present and future of this slogan, delving into the courageous struggle that has brought it to fruition.  The knowledge of women*, between the construction of women's democratic confederalism and ecological self-government, is central to Kurdish life. In discussion we will demonstrate how the production of women's liberationist knowledge propel us towards the international quest for World Women's Democratic confederalism.

* S.U.S.I - Interkulturelles Frauenzentrum Berlin & Quilomboalle
Roda de Conversa: From Quilombolism to Black Feminism – Intersectionalities among us

With: Jamile da Silva e Silva, Sandra Bello
Languages: German and Portuguese

How to articulate unity in our struggle as black women in the context of diasporic, migratory and fleeing context within the colonial epicenter? Dialogues on generational griotage (griotagem geracional), autonomy, institutionalities, feminism and Quilombolismo.

*Feminists 4 jina: A life of hope and despair: local struggles and internationalist feminism
With: collective moderation
Languages: English

In the light of the recent feminist revolutionary movement in Iran, feminists4jina, a network of feminist activists and collectives in different cities outside Iran, will put into discussion the potential and challenges of connecting local activism with internationalist feminist struggles.

*Casa Kuà
Decolonizing and re-imagining our bodies – a sharing circle

With: Tzoa
Language: English

Together we will create a collective space of sharing stories, exploring strategies, rethink and reinvent our own narratives. A narrative that gives us the inspiration and strength for our daily struggles and fights. Through those struggles on so many layers, it's easy to lose the connection to ourselves and our bodies. This is a space where we can (re)connect to our body and (re)imagine our relationship to it.
This workshop is only open for all trans and queer BIPOC/racialized people.

14:30–16:00 / HAU1
Dialogue: “Against Capitalism and its extractivisms: From Community Feminisms to the Territorial Cuerpo-Tierra from Territorial Community Feminism and agroecology in Abya Yala (Latin America)”

Guests: Lorena Cabnal, Carmen Cariño, Miriam Nobre, Louise Wagner
Host/Moderation: Barbara Marcel, Camila Nobrega
Languages: Spanish and English with Spanish and English simultaneous translation

The primitive accumulation of capitalism was only possible due to the exploitation of the colonial project of Eurocentric growth, combined with the intersection of extraction of (un)paid labor from feminized bodies. How can knowledges such as Agroecology, ecofeminisms, territorial communitarian feminism, Indigenous and Afrolatinoamerican feminisms, and struggles linked to peasant, worker, non-cis-heteropatriarchal movements confront the existing monocultural worlds? The debate will address pluriversal paths of possible connections between feminist struggles and the right to territories and livelihoods from non-dominant perspectives of buen vivir.

16:15–18:00 / HAU1 & HAU3

Limited capacity / Registration requested via
Meeting point for all workshop participants: HAU3 (Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin)

*Planetarian feminisms: reframing ecofeminism for anti-extractivist politics
Host: Margarita Tsomou
With: Dalia Gebrial, Carmen Cariño, Miriam Nobre, Nazan Üstündağ, Şermin Güven, Nazan Üstündağ, Camille Barbagallo
Language: Spanish and English with simultaneous translation
Feminist ecologists know that gender and ecology are connected: not only because the feminized are more affected by climate catastrophes and are at the forefront of movements against land grabbing. But because there is a structural link between social reproduction and our relationship to nature: in colonial-capitalist patriarchy gender and nature relations serve the exploitation of both, (feminized) reproductive as well as planetary regenerative labor, as “free resources”. In the workshop, we discuss this classical argument of ecofeminism against the background of anti-extractivist transnational feminist movements and develop it further: what are toady’s entanglements of colonial mechanisms with extractivist exploitation and the crisis of (feminized) social reproduction?

*Understanding & Resisting The Many Faces of War, in Defence of Life
Host: Elif Sarican
With: İida Käyhkö, Dilar Dirik
Language: English

Structures of war and militarism pervade every aspect of society. From patriarchal violence in the home, to military and policing technologies on the streets, to propaganda in the media: in this workshop we will dissect the impacts of war and militarism, it's gendered aspects and the role of women*, between peace making and armed struggle. Unmasking the multilayered system of war that oils the capitalist machine must be a priority for a feminist defense of life.

*Feminisms and Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa
Host: Firoozeh Farvadin
With: Soma Rostampour, Himmat Zoubi, Nesrine Jelalia, Sara Abbas, Songül Karabulut
Language: English

The Middle East has experienced revolutionary movements in the past decade, with feminists playing active and strategic roles in these uprisings. The workshop will facilitate an exchange on commonalities and differences of feminist strategies, forms of mobilizations, and concrete demands, during the revolutionary processes in the region.


*Femicide and Gendered Violence: Feminist Counter-Strategies
: Bahar Oghalai
With: Feminist Autonomous Center for Research (Greece) (Myrto Tsilimpounidi & Anna Carastathis)Feminist Autonomous Center for Research Greece (Myrto Tsilimpounidi & Anna Carastathi), Christina Clemm, Fatemeh Karimi, Verónica Gago
Language: English with simultaneous translation

Beyond the individualist conception of victimhood, Ni Una Menos and feminist movements all around the world articulate that femicide and gendered violence are not accidents of misbehavior – but inherent aspects of patriarchal and capitalist structures that (re-)produce their dominance. To discuss the resistance to femicide and gendered violence from a transnational perspective, we draw on collective concepts as well as legal strategies in different contexts, such as Iranian, German or Greek.


*Transnational Feminist and Queer Solidarities — Continued
/facilitators: Agata Lisiak, Aysuda Kölemen, Galina Yarmanova
Languages: English

What does it mean to be in solidarity with another's struggle? How do we amplify others' voices without falling into the trap of speaking for them? What does it mean to offer solidarity from a distance, besides shaping public conversation and organizing in one's current locale? This conversation-centered workshop is part of a series of ongoing exchanges organized by the multi-sited initiative “Transnational Feminism, Solidarity, and Social Justice project”.

18:00 / HAU4, HAU1 foyer
Connect! Online Talks
Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, English 
Perrxs del Futuro with Pachaqueer 
Participation via Zoom and in the HAU1 foyer
Afterwards available at the HAUthek 

In the online space, international networks, organizations and movements connect across physical barriers and overcome them. With their demands, queer-feminist actors reach a large public on social platforms and new alliances are formed. Many protests are not visible through public media as they are on social platforms. With “Connect!” online talks with multi-perspective movements will take place. Everything is possible. Joint actions are called for or possibilities for joint support are shown. The direct exchange is in the foreground.

19:00–21:00 / HAU1
Assembly: “No ‘equal share’ – Beyond Equality: What kind of feminisms do we need?”

Guests: all participants, speakers and organizations of the gathering
Host/Moderation: curatorial collective
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese

In the last decade feminism and diversity seem to have become popular concepts: in marketing, liberal rhetorics but also in governance and foreign policies, demands for “equality between the genders” seem to be established. But demands for an “equal share” in the modernist-progressive paradigm, seem outdated in the collapsing capitalist (eco)system. In the assembly concluding the day, we will bring together the content discussed in the workshops and discuss contradictions of liberal (Western) feminisms. In doing so, we will bring together the elements of feminisms whose transformative, political projects address colonial and social dispossession, patriarchal violence, and the ongoing ecocide.


Sat 1.7.2023, 10:00 / HAU1 + HAU3

Tickets for individual panels are available exclusively at the box office for € 5 each. Day tickets and combination tickets for all three days are available in advance online.

Workshop information: Limited capacities, registration requested via Meeting point for all workshop participants: HAU3 (Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin). Participation in the workshops is free of charge.

Childcare will be provided. Please contact us at to register.

During the gathering, an awareness team will be on site and can be called upon at any time.

Short biographies of all participants can be found here.


Funded by: Allianz Foundation. In cooperation with: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, medico international e.V.


Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Access to the Parkett by means of a separate entrance with lift when necessary. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can be booked via the ticketing system. If you need any help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email at

Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

HAU3 unfortunately is not barrier-free. Access to the theatre is via a stairwell (3rd floor). The use of a lift is possible with prior arrangement. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or email us at Wheelchair users are also kindly requested to register their attendance at least one day before the performance.
Thank you for your understanding.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

“You love the people you are meeting.”

A conversation between Bouchra Ouizgen, Yasmeen Godder and Annemie Vanackere.

The Glowing Room

Text by Hendrik Otremba.

An Introduction to “Collectivize Facebook”

By Jonas Staal

“Collectivize Facebook” is a lawsuit aimed to turn Facebook into public property, initiated by artist Jonas Staal and lawyer Jan Fermon. Read here Staal’s introduction to the project.

“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.