
Hypergamie – Hochzeit mit Hindernissen

  • Performance
German /  120-150 min.

With “Hypergamie – Hochzeit mit Hindernissen“ dorisdean make a performative offer:

Everyone comes together in a festively decorated room in order to celebrate a wedding. The bride has a physical disability – the groom does not. Accordingly all the guests of the bride are also disabled – or: are made disabled. Chance decides who lives through the wedding with a disability and who without. At separate tables the guests celebrate with dance, wedding games, sentimental and less sentimental speeches. For some everything is different, for some everything is normal. But what is “normal”? The limitation of the body’s abilities becomes a temporary experience for some. The wedding party remains divided into two parts. The question behind all of this is: How does a partnership function if one part of the couple has an advantage over the other from a social point of view, if one of them is intact and the other is not? The audience can see for themselves what a fiction called “disability” does to their own perception and perceptibility.

dorisdean is an independent mix-abled company from North Rhine-Westphalia. Since 2011 they develop performances that deal with questions of humans living together, with communication and with the discomfort of direct interaction. They always draw our attention to the defects, the imperfect in humans and to stigma.


Concept: dorisdean / With: Patrizia Kubanek, Christopher Bruckman, Wera Mahne, Phillip Hohmann, Charis Nass, Kübra Sekin, Miriam Michel, Debbie Krönung und Daniel de Vicente


  • Sat 11.11.2017, 19:00 / HAU3 Houseclub
  • Sun 12.11.2017, 17:00 / HAU3 Houseclub


Production: dorisdean.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

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