Paul believes in the goodness of people. Heike is afraid of China. Richard wants to be able to seduce women. Konrad is happy when he’s at a scrapyard. Jörg wishes he came from a rich family. Sarah suffers. John wants to become a pilot but can’t manage it. Wenke feels guilty for everything. Werner would like to serve someone. Uta doesn’t know who she is. Said grew up with no parents. Isabelle hasn’t heard her inner voice for ages. Vera only needs sex once a month. Max distains politicians. Frauke feels like people see more in her than is really there. Tim wants to confess before he dies. Nora can’t speak Spanish. Hans is afraid of his own radicalism. We are what we are. Only: “It can’t stay the way it is.” An evening between mass healing, the pressure to achieve, emotional upheaval, missed opportunities and the terror of efficiency. A kind of taking stock to go against what is merely doable–up to the mirror universe in which people have done what they wanted to do and have become what they wanted to be. Just like everything should be. Archaeology and reconstruction of a bit of European identity. idem–an all-embracing evening with music on the totality of all the parts of identity.
Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Part of NORDWIND: Platform and Festival for the Arts from the Nordic and Baltic Countries.