Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl

KREDIT. Von der Erwartbarkeit zukünftiger Gegenwarten

  • Music
75 min

Banking and credit thus become … the most potent means of driving capitalist production beyond its own limits – and one of the most effective vehicles of crisis and swindle. 

Karl Marx

Experimental film-maker Daniel Kötter and composer Hannes Seidl have been working together since 2008, experimenting with forms of documentary storytelling in the film and music genres. In their “KREDIT” project − Part 1 of the “Ökonomien des Handelns” (Economies of Trade) trilogy − Kötter and Seidl focus on the principles that organize trade. Trade in the present is oriented towards the future. The most distinctive, political and economically momentous example of such a system and future-oriented entrepreneurial endeavour is the financial system. This pattern crystalizes itself in an especially succinct way in the notion of credit.

For “KREDIT”, Kötter and Seidl accompanied bankers at work, but also during their leisure time and with their friends with a camera and created a film that deliberately omitted the soundtrack. In the tradition of the silent film, the soundtrack is realised live on the stage evening for evening. The precisely planned interlocking of events on the stages and the film narrative performatively charges the concert setting, turning “KREDIT” into a rare hybrid of concert, performance and film experience. Kötter and Seidl also refer to “KREDIT” as a silent film oratorio: a virtuoso noise maker, or Foley artist, has air conditioning systems buzzing, footsteps echoing and computer keyboards clattering. Two dubbing artists lend their voices to all of the film figures. And while the musicians create noise textures, credos and chorales are sung live by the choir of the Deutsche Bundesbank.


Idee / Regie / Komposition / Film: Daniel Kötter & Hannes Seidl / Ausstattung / Assistenz: Rahel Kesselring / Dramaturgie: Gerda Strobl / Musik: Sebastian Berweck, Andrea Neumann, Peter Sandmann / Sprecher: Dunja Funke, André Schmidt / Chor der Deutschen Bundesbank: Rochus Paul (Chorleitung), Anja Bautz, Claudia Bruckmann, Natalia Füterer, Carola Goltz, Saskia Hase, Franziska Hast, Manfred Iwan, Wilfriede Kolb, Heinz-Jürgen Schiffer, Karla Schiffer, Hans Stählin, Dietmar Steinert, Andrea Sturm, Gabriele Trost, Sylvia / Dirigent: Rochus Paul / Filmprotagonisten: Susan Baumgärtner, Franziska Beuchel, Ascan Iredi, Manfred Iwan, Gabriele Jäger, Hans Stählin, Dietmar Steinert, Gabriele Trost,Sylvia Winkler, Florian Witt, Michael Zapf / Wissenschaftliche Beratung: Rainer Durth, Michael Koetter, Johannes Priesemann, Andreas Thiele / Produktions-leitung: ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro


  • Thu 26.3.2015, 19:00 / HAU2
  • Fri 27.3.2015, 19:00 / HAU2


A production by Kötter/Seidl in co-production with steirischer herbst & Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Funded by the City of Frankfurt/Main – Department for Culture and Science.

In collaboration with HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Von der Erwartbarkeit zukünftiger Gegenwarten (2013)


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

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Video Documentation

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