Filmmaker and director Kornél Mundruczó ruthlessly combines Schubert’s Winterreise, in the orchestral version by Hans Zender, with the flight of the refugee: “Waiting for one does not know what. For me, the emigrants’ Purgatory is like a refugee camp. Anyone may end up there, but no one knows the principles of judgement. Schubert’s traumatic motifs provided me with a special opportunity to think about man’s eternal alienness. And to ask the question whether art can provide a refuge when the very fundamentals of our life are questioned.” Music and the performance on stage are combined with video sequences about deprivation, hopelessness and grueling idleness in a refugee camp and refugees on Hungary’s highways. The orchestral version by Zender of the classic Lieder cycle is interpreted on stage by neues konzertorchester berlin and the young actor and singer János Szemenyei.
Kornél Mundruczó and Proton Theatre were recently at HAU with the award-winning HAU co-production “Imitation of Life.”