Luanda Casella / NTGent

KillJoy Quiz

  • Performance
  • Theatre
English /  With German surtitles /  approx. 100 min.

The quizmaster on Luanda Casella’s live TV show is a real killjoy. As in the text “A Killjoy Manifesto” by Sara Ahmed, the term here stands for feminist figures who denounce injustice and violence, deliberately causing discomfort. Using multiple-choice questions, Casella exposes patriarchal violence and its omnipresence in everyday life. Gradually, the superficial fun of the TV show gives way to a thought experiment, a more rigorous but productive exercise. There’s one thing that’s clear: the brief, quiz-like “a, b or c” answers can hardly do justice to a complex world. Nevertheless, the participants of the fictitious “KillJoy Quiz” try to collect points by answering the questions “correctly”. But what does the score really say about someone’s knowledge? So the “KillJoy Quiz” is not about the points – it’s about the dialogue. Because words are powerful and rhetoric is a weapon.

After “Ferox Tempus – Terror at its best” (2022), theater maker Luanda Casella, based at NTGent, is now a guest at HAU for the second time with her new production.


Cast: Yolanda Mpelé, Lindah Nyirenda, Luanda Casella / Singing: Maïmouna Rachels, Timia Van der Linden, Helena Casella / Concept, direction & text: Luanda Casella / Dramaturgy: Sébastien Hendrickx / Scenographie: Felix Fasolt / light design: Dennis Diels / Composition: Pablo Casella / Coaching and choreography: Lucius Romeo-Fromm / Graphic design and typesetting projections: Kahil Janssens / production management: Greet Prové / technical team production: Pieter Nys / technical support: Jan Van Ooteghem / realisation costumes: Kostümatelier NTGent / set realisation: Decoratelier NTGent, Felix Fasolt

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  • Wed 31.5.2023, 20:00 / HAU2
  • Thu 1.6.2023, 20:00 / HAU2


Production: NTGent. Co-production: workspacebrussels, De Grote Post. Funded by: The Belgian Tax Shelter, De Vlaamse Overheid. Thanks to: Dan Vandevoorde/X-treme Creations. Guest performance funding as part of the Alliance of International Production Houses from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

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Video Documentation

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