“The Power (of) The Fragile” tells the moving story of Latifa Khamessi and her son Mohamed, who were separated by national borders for years. On stage, their bodies and experiences merge in a dance about caring, letting go and connection. The work is a poetic plea for freedom and the right to go anywhere.
Mimouna (Latifa) Khamessi has always dreamed of becoming a dancer, but only her son had the opportunity to make dance his profession. During his studies in Belgium, the two were separated by increasingly marked national borders for several years. It was only when Mohamed was granted Belgian citizenship that Latifa was finally able to join him with a visa from Tunisia. “The Power (of) The Fragile” is an encounter between two worlds, two bodies, two spirits. The boundaries of their bodies and ages blur to the point where it is difficult to decipher where one ends and the other begins. Carrying and being carried, caring and letting go – this poetic work deals with all of this in a touching way. On stage memories become new meanings and a better future seems possible – a passionate plea for the right to go wherever we want.
“Touching and uplifting, ‘The Power (of) The Fragile’ is an intimate, tender, beautifully drawn portrait of mother and son. About being apart and being together, it pictures a relationship that not only survives but thrives. Beautifully judged, it’s a show that will send you away feeling very warm inside.” (David Mead in “Seeing Dance”)