Moritz Ostruschnjak

TANZANWEISUNGEN (it won't be like this forever)

  • Dance
English / 30 mins.

‘It won’t be like this forever’, reads the sign carried across the stage by the choreographer Moritz Ostruschnjak while the dancer Daniel Conant is exhausting himself. As if he had been wound up, the protagonist tirelessly works his way through the extremely diverse canon of movement, assuming poses of resistance, combat and victory, stylized masculinity, youth culture, classic ballet, ballroom dancing and sports in rapid succession – an absurd sequence of divergent elements that overdraw, ironize and contradict each other and that, in combination, playfully yet relentlessly lead into an abyss.


Choreografie: Moritz Ostruschnjak / Choreografische Mitarbeit: Daniela Bendini / Tanz: Daniel Conant / Dramaturgische Beratung: Carmen Kovac / Licht: Benedikt Zehm / Kostüm: Daniela Bendini, Moritz Ostruschnjak / Produktion: Lara Schubert / PR: Simone Lutz


  • Wed 16.3.2022, 20:30 / Deutsches Theater Berlin
  • Thu 17.3.2022, 18:00 / Deutsches Theater Berlin
  • Thu 17.3.2022, 20:30 / Deutsches Theater Berlin

Access to this event is according to regulations currently in place. You can find our hygiene concept here.

March 17, for the show at 18:30
Artist talk after the show.

Visit Information:
The audience area is seated.


Production: Moritz Ostruschnjak.
The artist is supported by Réseau Grand Luxe 2019/20 and is a member of Tanztendenz München e. V.


Deutsches Theater Berlin
Schumannstr. 13, 10117 Berlin

The Deutsches Theater, the Kammerspiele and the Box all have wheelchair places. The events in the Saal are unfortunately not barrier-free. We request wheelchair users to notify us at least one day before their visit, particularly for performances in the Kammerspiele and the Box. Barrier-free access to the venues is possible by means of ramps and the lift at the entrance to the Deutsches Theater. Our evening staff is available to help you. Barrier-free restroom facilities are located in the foyer of the Deutsches Theater.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications

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The Glowing Room

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By Jonas Staal

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“Manifestos for Queer Futures”

Video Documentation

As part of the festival “The Present Is Not Enough – Performing Queer Histories and Futures”, HAU initiated an open call for artists based in Berlin, who were invited to submit proposals for their Manifestos for Queer Futures.