With AG Starthilfe (Kampagne Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen + Mieter*innenprotest Deutsche Wohnen), Bündnis Otto-Suhr-Siedlung + Umgebung, Kampagne Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen, Kotti & Co, Mieterbeirat Karl-Marx-Allee, Mieterrat Neues Kreuzberger Zentrum, Mieterprotest Kosmosviertel, Netzwerk kommunal & selbstverwaltet Wohnen, Stadt von Unten
This spring 77,000 Berliners signed a petition to de-privatize large real estate companies, which had been called for by the campaign “Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen”. The Senate administration is currently evaluating the proposition. Nine city and renters’ initiatives have come together to think further about the possible communal ownership of housing: What will we do with the apartments once they belong to us? In joint preparatory meetings a workshop for the future will be conceived in order to look into the question of how urban society could manage the more than 200,000 vacant apartments. What have the experiences with de-privatising been so far? What are some ideal models of joint property management? What might future forms of self-managed and democratic cohabitation look like? In a first step at the workshop, the initiatives will gather together the experience of self-organisation and stories of resistance, in order in a second step to exchange a wide variety of ideas for a democratic co-shaping of de-privatisation, and to discuss concrete models for self-management in the future.
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