Wohin fließt das Wasser?

A conversation about “Wenn der Regen kommt” by machina eX

With Svenja Kriegebaum and machina eX
Moderation: Sarah Reimann

Afterwards available at the HAUthek.

  • Dialogue
German / 
Photograph of a triangular street sign. In the centre is a pictogram of a rain cloud.

On the occasion of the premiere of “Wenn der Regen kommt” we invite Svenja Kriegebaum, expert for sustainable cities in times of climate change, for a talk on the digital stage HAU4. Together with her and the group machina eX, we talk about sponge cities and the possibilities of counteracting the climate crisis with the help of geoengineering. Kriegebaum will also explain how Berlin’s water management system works: What actually happens to rainwater when it splashes down the storm drain? Why has water quality been a problem for many years, as in the Spree and the Landwehr Canal?
Svenja Kriegebaum is an engineer for urban infrastructure planning, a doctoral student at Berliner Wasserbetriebe and a team member of the Stormwater Agency Berlin.


To the event on HAU4


Digital Stage

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