Final Concert

Zonal (Martin & Broadrick) / Higgs (Mahmoud & Wertmüller)

  • Music

(Kevin Martin aka The Bug & Justin Broadrick aka JK Flesh)

Extracting the one percent of hardcore that exists in almost every genre of music and bringing it out in its perfect form is the credo of Kevin Martin and Justin Broadrick. In the early ‘90s Kevin Martin was the main force behind the free jazz noise ensemble GOD and ran the label Pathological Records. He booked the first gig of Godflesh, the then new project by Napalm Death founder Justin Broadrick. A joint show by GOD and Godflesh first led to more gigs, then to a whole tour. Jointly produced tracks and albums followed. The collaboration between the two men intensified, and common tastes were discovered: a liking for acoustic extremes, contemporary classical music, weird soundtracks, anarcho-punk, dub and electronic music that was not conceived for the ears of metal heads. To bring all of these influences together, the project “Techno Animal” was launched. Critics found it difficult to fit the duo into any category, inventing new genre descriptions like “Death Jungle” and “Scrum’n’Bass” for Techno Animal. On other albums their experimental variations of hip hop came together with the ruins of jazz, industrial and dub, with half of the tracks being amplified by MCs, while the others were restricted to instrumental madness. But that’s all in the past. Techno Animal no longer exists. The duo is now exploring new realms. Their new project ZONAL will be presented for the first time at HAU Hebbel am Ufer. That’s the future.

(Thomas Mahmoud & Michael Wertmüller)

A unique musical language composed of e-music, grind-core, and power electronics, recorded on planet Mars, on the rooftops of collapsing buildings. Thomas Mahmoud and Michael Wertmüller’s diverse musical backgrounds complement each other in Higgs, where they are fused into an extraordinarily explosive mix of uncompromised white noise, super fast bass riffs, hard cuts, and extreme contrasts. Speed-metal and grind-core elements meet free jazz und power electronics. Higgs’ compositions are extremely precise. They build highly charged tension between strict control and escalation: this is music full of contrasts and confrontations – aggressive, fast, abstract, and without the need to tell a story, it derives its ideas solely from its own substance.

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Supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education.


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Four relaxed seats are available in the first row of HAU2. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can also be booked via the ticketing system. If you need help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email to

Latest information for arrival

There is currently a construction site on Hallesches Ufer between Wilhelmstraße and Möckernbrücke underground station. There is a divided replacement route for pedestrians (right) and cyclists (left), which are separated by a yellow ground line. The carriageway is narrowed to one lane.

Travelling to HAU2 via U Hallesches Tor:

If you are coming from Hallesches Tor underground station, you will have to use an alternative footpath from Wilhelmstraße / Hallesches Ufer junction, which is separated from the carriageway by a construction fence – the actual footpath is currently closed. Please note: the alternative route is also used by cyclists. Pedestrians should keep to the right. We therefore currently recommend that visually impaired or blind visitors come to the HAU with an accompanying person.

Arrival HAU2 via U Möckernbrücke:

When you leave Möckernbrücke underground station, please stay on the footpath on the canal side until you reach Hallesches Ufer / Großbeerenstraße junction – the opposite side is currently closed due to construction work.

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications