

Part of “Vessel of Love”
Part of “Love is a Verb”

Participation possible with a valid ticket for HAU1. 
Open 12-14 April+16 April+18-21 April.
Starting point: Kiosk in the HAU1 foyer

  • Digital Art
  • Installation
English /  Total duration: approx. 30 mins.

For “Hyperlove”, Berlin-based artist allapopp is developing a digital clone of themselves. The performative augmented reality project explores today’s phygital (physical and digital) everyday life. How do human emotions and artificial intelligence combine in it? allapopp's avatar sings songs, replicates movements and is sometimes in a lingering, sometimes in agitated and excited states, which can be experienced through the augmented reality app in HAU1. “Hyperlove” raises questions about how digital technologies influence the way people love, create things and care for themselves and others under hyper-capitalist and technocratic conditions. It explores phenomena such as the commercialisation of emotions and the extreme self-reference of our time. allapopp designs a speculative metaphysical space in which AI systems become increasingly tangible and are trapped in a feedback loop of “hyperlove” through their constant exchange with humans.


On April 16, 19:30 : Guided tour with allapopp


Artistic direction, performance, choreography, production: allapopp / Creative technology, app development, animation: Lisa Kaschubat / Body scan, animation, 3D visual design: Carolina Ovando / Music track scene 7, sound post production, mixing: Valentin Oellers / Music background tracks scenes 1-6: erstellt mit Mubert / Graphic, logo, sound- & app design, lyrics: allapopp (Partially quoted from "The Extreme Self: Age of You” Basar, Coupland, Obrist (2,3,7) Nikita Gill (4) Madeline Miller (4) © allapopp 2024)


  • The work can only be accessed locally at HAU1. The experience involves exploring HAU1’s foyers and outdoor area with a compatible iOS device and the “Hyperlove" app to encounter digital clones of allapopp. 
  • Download the “Hyperlove” app from the App Store on a compatible iOS device (iPhone/iPad). You can find a list of compatible devices here.
  • QR codes for app download and instructions available at HAU1.
  • A very limited number of iOS devices and headphones is available for loan at HAU1.


A commission by: Current – Kunst und Urbaner Raum.


Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin

There are two marked parking spots in front of the building. Access to the Parkett by means of a separate entrance with lift when necessary. Barrier-free restroom facilities are available. Tickets for wheelchair users and accompanying persons can be booked via the ticketing system. If you need any help, please contact our Ticketing & Service team at +49 (0)30 259004-27 or send us an email at

HAU3000 / Positions, Projects, Publications