Little Warsaw

text war pic

  • Installation

Little Warsaw gehören zu den international bekanntesten Künstlergruppen Ungarns. Ihre Arbeiten sind Reflexionen über die Auflösung bestehender Systeme, insbesondere die Transformation sozialistischer Strukturen in eine postindustrielle Marktwirtschaft. Im Rahmen des Festivals werden András Gálik und Bálint Havas im HAU2 ein Studio eröffnen. Hier entwickeln sie das Projekt text war pic, das sich mit der Frage nach den Mitteln der Kunst zum Zweck der Überzeugung und Agitation beschäftigt – und damit, welche politischen Effekte dabei ausgelöst werden.

Workshops I-III: Art and Agitation

I Tuesday, March 11, 2014

II Thursday, March 13, 2014

III Saturday, March 15, 2014

Each day from 12:00 to 15:00

Free admission, events held in English

Registration: Please choose one date!

The artist duo Little Warsaw is putting on three workshops within the framework of the festival “Leaving is not an option? Current artistic positions from Hungary”. Together with the participants, András Gálik and Bálint Havas would like to take up the question of what artistic means can be made available for the purposes of conviction and agitation, and what political effects this might induce. The starting point is the following encounter:

A: It must be strange to be a contemporary artist.

B: It’s one of those activities that public opinion secretly holds to be completely useless. Take this story that happened on an ordinary weekday, for instance. The artist and the Berlin curator met up. It being around noon, they opted to make the most of the little time they had by discussing their mutual tasks in a downtown wok bar. The setting seemed ideal, nay, perfect – there were only two other guys in the whole place, both peacefully eating at neighbouring tables. This wasn’t some kind of stuffy interview, the artist and the curator were trying to get to know each other, and they covered more than simply their joint project. Each in his own way endeavoured to advance the common goal. The artist presented his nebulous and indefinite notions, his past and future works, and his planned installation. The curator spoke of fixed and inalterable dates and times. After some time they found themselves alone in the restaurant – the two other men had left without their noticing. One, however, had left the artist and the curator a conspicuously placed note:

A: It must come as a surprise, a shock even, to have such a handwritten declaration addressed to you.

B: Hardly. Anyone claiming to produce intervention art could scarcely be offended by such a demonstration.
Im Rahmen von "Leaving is not an option? – Aktuelle künstlerische Positionen aus Ungarn"

Workshop-Info als Download (Englisch)


Von und mit: Little Warsaw


  • So 9.3.2014, 19:00 / HAU2
  • Mo 10.3.2014, 18:00 / HAU2
  • Di 11.3.2014, 18:00 / HAU2
  • Fr 14.3.2014, 18:00 / HAU2
  • Sa 15.3.2014, 18:00 / HAU2
  • So 16.3.2014, 18:00 / HAU2


Hallesches Ufer 34, 10963 Berlin

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HAU3000 / Positionen, Projekte, Publikationen

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