Niels Bormann & Maryam Zaree

Kluge Gefühle

  • Theater
Deutsch / 

“Kluge Gefühle” is a comic tragedy. Tara and her mother Shahla have done away with the past. At least they hope so. Instead there’s the job, men that don’t answer, and a therapist that refuses to recognize the essential problems of life. But the past has its own ideas about what is essential, and it really doesn’t like to be denied. “YOU took me on because YOU thought it could be exotic: torture, prison and the like; instead all I’ve been talking about for weeks is my online acquaintance,” says Tara. With this HAU production, Niels Bormann is having his directorial debut.


Regie: Niels Bormann / Text und Dramaturgie: Maryam Zaree / Mit: Eva Bay, Anke Engelke, Ali Kamrani, Sarah Masuch, Christian Steyer, Takako Suzuki / Künstlerische Beratung: Paul Bauer / Bühnenbild: Karin Betzler, Paul Bauer / Kostüm: Ingken Benesch / Maske: Janet Abraham / Licht: Anna Lienert, Paul Bauer / Regieassistenz: León Sievert-Langhoff / Assistenz Bühnenbild: Valentina Primavera / Produktionsassistenz: Katharina Rösch / Regiehospitant: Sam Hunter / Kostümhospitantin: Marlene Engel




Produktion: HAU Hebbel am Ufer.


Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

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